Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday 21st June 2012
Spent about an hour shopping in the Wexford High Street for a double adapter for the car power socket ( so we can run both Tom Tom and iPad at same time-If we stray with TomTom which occasionally happens the Google maps on IPad soon lets us know) and  for an Irish  SIM card for the iPad and then headed off west but then got lured down the Hook peninsula.

Went to Tintern Abbey an amazing 11th century abbey which then became a private house after the reformation in which the last member of the family lived until 1959. Now owned by Irish Govt and has been partly restored. Beautiful grounds to go walking  in as we did down to the sea shore and  up to the local chapel and graveyard.

Tintern Abbey

Bridge at bottom of grounds 

Stile into churchyard

Quick visit to JFK great grandparents house down a side road 

JFK Great grandparents house

then off to the Hook lighthouse where there has been a warning structure since medieval times, on way back came across to Passage East on a ferry  ( 8). Lots of narrow lanes today and very tiny harbour quay at  Feathert.

Hook lighthouse

harbour at Fethart on Sea
Roadside produce, beautiful strawberries,

Put new SIM in the iPad and while on side of the road about 5 pm went on line on late rooms and booked room in Waterford Travel Lodge for 49.Off to supermarket ( SuperQuinn) and then spent evening doing chores and watching Euro 2012 Portugal v Czech. Somewhat noisy boy racers in McDonalds Car park next door.

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