Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wednesday 10 October 2012 Navarrenx France.

Early start in campground as the big rig with car attached left about 8 am and another caravan about to go.


Bit overcast and quite cool morning , forecast for next few days is not flash, maybe some rain though it has been saying that all week.

Phoned the Renault depot at Toulouse Airport to sort out time to return car on Monday, turned out there is change of address so good to know that now rather than when we arrive at airport.

Went off to do some shopping in village, labels from papertiere, bread from boulangerie, cheese from the artisan food place, rabbit terrine from the buchere then discovered the Wednesday market going on in the main square so fruit and vegetables from there. Couple of bottles of red wine, one Bordeaux 2011 (€2) and one from Corbieres near Pyrenees (€1.75) from supermarket and we were done.

Bread, cheese, ham and tomatoes for lunch along with little treat picked up at Boulangerie.

Reading then long siesta, then sun started to shine. Airforce jets overhead much of the afternoon, so high  and fast you cant see them but you can hear them

About 4.30 pm took car over to car wash place in industrial area and vacuumed it and put through the wash so at least semblance of clean when we return it on Monday.

Then went over to two nearby villages ( 5 and 6 km away),  Audax and Laas as we were checking out a restaurant in each village that had been recommended for a final dinner out before we leave.

Not much in the first village ( Audax)  though that was the one we settled on for dinner but in the other. Laas, which is a well maintained/restored  village there were all sorts of things, especially interesting were a series of sundials and star maps done in stainless steel and ceramics outside the church  plus a plaque saying Bridget Bardot once stayed in the village !!

Also it is the site for the annual mais (maize) festival this coming weekend as that is what the dominant crop is around here –thousands of hectares are  currently being harvested and great tractors and trailers go by full of yellow maize. Don’t know exactly what it is used for ? human food or stock food but guess we will discover that this weekend.

Rabbit terrin, spuds, carrots leeks and peas for dinner.


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