Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sunday 7 October 2012 Navarrenx France

Today there was a large car boot sale in main square by church which lasted all day. Lynds bought a large (20 cm diameter by 20 cm high) glass fruit dish for €4 just what you don’t  need to carry across the world on an aeroplane. But she had to have it! I didn’t buy anything despite the number of leather coats on offer.

Comment –Quite a bit of Garage sale/car boot sale/market stuff is the same mass of Chinese plastic junk in France as in Takapuna or England.

Same time as the garage sale was going on there were dozens of people were attending mass at the quite large village church at the other end of the square. There is a church school in the village as well as an Ecole Publique.
Bread and fig jam for lunch. We have about  1/5th of the 980 gm jar of fig jam acquired in Nice still to eat and just 6 days to do it in, quell horreur !!

Long siesta and reading

Walk by river then into  the car and explored all roads out of town, about 5, couple of them just merge into next village. A few very tight corners.

Back to cabin for glass of red and nibbles then off to Auberge de Bois for dinner which is about 1 km out of centre of village.

Deal is that you walk in and sit down at any of the 10 long tables either inside or out on the deck and madame brings you about 5 courses of plats du jour plus whole bottle of red or rose or white gets plonked down in front of you too. We had vegetable consommé, then 3 thin slices of Jambon de Bayonne  ( red air dried/cured salted ham of this region, a bit like prosciutto)  with white cheese, then ¼ roasted duck  with enough chips to feed an army, followed by a choice of “Tiptop” ice creams and coffee. All for €10 per head. Since this place is legendary and from what we had heard I expected that that madame would be a jolly  elderly lady, however she must be at least 10 years younger than me but is a bit stooped, not jolly and wears an over the head long apron/smock  and socks and slippers !!

A grand evening was had by all and when we arrived back at camp the car gate was locked and we had to leave car outside.


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