Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tuesday 4th September “Cooking Class day for Lyndsay”

Still misty rain but grandfather says there will be sun today.

Cheerful breakfast with all guests again and this morning Chiara had made a birthday cake for Jurgen for his birthday today.

We left house at 9.30 am to get to village of Roddino ( about ½ hr drive) to Agritourismo Iride for Lyndsay’s 1:1 cooking lesson with a lovely young man called Isaia Biella, who is the chef for the family restaurant and cooks unaided for up to 50 guests in weekend.


She was in absolute heaven (from 10 am until 12.45pm ) working with him to make and cook enough food for a 7 course lunch.



Vitello tonnato a traditional dish- poached veal with tuna, anchovies and caper mayonnaise. Cooled and served as entrée.

Pasta-3 different sorts, gnocchi made from scratch, tirelli-a fine pasta (sometimes called tajarin) and   ravioli. The pasta of this area is very rich in egg yolk which gives it the golden colour. The restaurant sources all its produce from local suppliers e.g the waiter also supplies the eggs.

Individual zucchini flans cooked in a bain marie ( served with parmesan crisps)

Pollo a la Cacciatora- chicken stewed with finely chopped onions, olives, tomatoes, a carrot and herbs, and a chocolate dessert

Bonet a traditional dessert from Piedmonte made from Amaretti macaroons, special chocolate liqueur with herbs and dark cocoa  and baked in a bain marie

Then we ate all of this as a 7 course ( small portions) lunch over the next hour and a half and staggered out the door at 4 pm !!

And of course every good chef needs a fall back position !


Just enough energy left to visit Roddino and Montforte villages before heading back for an hour and a half nap.

Very cheerful evening spent upstairs with several bottles from around the region as some of the other guests had been vineyard visiting. Ursula produced a bottle of homemade cherry schnapps and Lyndsay became very voluble, talking about anything and everything. Table too wide to kick her under it to stop.               


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